EGG Small Companies Fund

  • Invests in shares of ASX & NZX listed companies that fall outside S&P/ASX 100 index
  • Long only portfolio consisting of 35-55 stocks
  • Average market capitalisation as at 31 May 2024 ~$2B 
  • The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index over a rolling 3 year period.
  • Growth of $10,000 from inception (September 2003) as at 31 May 2024 (net of fees)*
  • This fund is appropriate for investors with “High” and “Very High” risk and return profiles. A suitable investor for this fund is prepared to accept high risk in the pursuit of capital growth with a medium to long investment timeframe. Investors should refer to the TMD for further information

*Past performance is not an indicator of future performance

Performance is net of all fees. Inception September 2003. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance

Eley Griffiths Group Small Companies Fund Date Entry ($) Exit ($) Price History
Current Unit Price
Return post fees - June 2024 1
% p.a.
% p.a.
% p.a.
% p.a.
Incept ^%p.a.
EGG Small Companies Fund
S&P/ASX Small Ord Accumulation Index (XSOAI)

^Fund inception September 2003. Total net returns represent past performance only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Total returns (net) have been calculated using exit prices and take into account the applicable buy/sell spread and are net of Eley Griffiths Group’s management fees and assumes reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for taxation or any fees charged by operators of master trusts or wrap accounts through which the products are offered. Returns of more than one year are annualised. Returns of the Fund can be volatile and in some periods may be negative. The return of capital is not guaranteed.


Application Form

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Steps to invest:

1. Read the fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which contains important product and investment information
2. Download and complete the Application Form
3. Return the completed form and requested identification documents to the Link Fund Solutions address on application
4. Transfer your application money by EFT to the account on the application form. Alternatively, you can contact us on

Each unitholder has been assigned a unique BPAY CRN to simplify the process of adding to their investment. No paperwork is now required. BPAY details can be accessed via the EGG Investor Portal under ‘Holding Details’. Alternatively, please complete the below form.

To view holdings or access investment statements please login to the EGG investor portal.

Following recent amendments to the Corporations Act; where you have provided us with your email address, we will now send notices of meetings, other meeting-related documents and annual financial reports (each a “Communication”) to you electronically unless you elect to receive these in physical form and notify us of this election.

You have the right to elect whether to receive some or all of these Communications in electronic or physical form and the right to elect not to receive annual financial reports at all. You also have the right to elect to receive a single specified Communication on an ad hoc basis, in an electronic or physical form.

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