Financial Services Guide

This Financial Services Guide (FSG) is an important document. It is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the financial services and products offered by Eley Griffiths Group Pty Limited (ABN 66 102 271 812, AFSL No. 224 818) (EGG, we or us). As the provider of financial services to retail clients, we are required to provide you with this FSG.

This FSG provides you with important information about:

  • who we are;
  • the types of services and products we can offer you;
  • how we (and other relevant persons) are remunerated for these services and products
  • our external complaints handling procedures and how you can use them
  • how you can contact us and the issuer of our financial products.

Other disclosure documents

Before you can invest in one of our retail financial products we are required to provide you with a product disclosure statement (PDS). The PDS contains important information regarding the features, benefits, risks and fees applicable to an investment in that financial product, and should be read carefully to enable you to make an informed decision about whether to invest in the financial product. You should consult with your licensed financial adviser if required.

A Statement of Advice (SOA) will normally be given to you when you are provided with any personal advice, which takes into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. We do not provide personal advice. Therefore, we will not provide you with an SOA. An intermediary (such as a financial planner, stockbroker or dealer group) may provide you with an SOA.

About us

Founded in 2003, Eley Griffiths Group is a specialist investment management company focusing on Australian listed mids, small and emerging companies.  Eley Griffiths is 100% independent & owned by staff.  We are style agnostic and can own both growth and value companies to construct portfolios.  The aim of our investment process is to deliver consistent outperformance through all market conditions.  Our investment philosophy:

  • A long-term bottom-up approach to stock picking (style agnostic)
  • Forming strong macro views to derive accurate long-term earnings estimates
  • Using Price/Earnings ratios and cashflow as our fundamental valuation tools
  • The need for a systematic and disciplined stock selection process
  • Risk control measures at a stock and portfolio level
  • Extensive company visitation program (domestic & offshore)

About the Eley Griffiths Group funds

The managed investment schemes that are currently available for investment by retail clients, and its respective responsible entity and issuer are:

Fund Responsible entity (RE) and Issuer
Eley Griffiths Group Emerging Companies Fund ARSN 616 328 128 (closed to new investment)
The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited (ABN 45 003 278 831, AFSL No. 235 150) (Perpetual)
Eley Griffiths Group Small Companies Fund ARSN 106 171 224
Eley Griffiths Group Mid Cap Fund – Class A ARSN 667 460 639
Equity Trustees Limited (ABN 46 004 031 289, AFSL No. 240975) (Equity Trustees)
Eley Griffiths Group Mid Cap Fund – Class B ARSN 667 460 639 (approved arrangements only)
Equity Trustees

(collectively the Funds).

Both Perpetual and Equity Trustees (each an RE) provide services including compliance, administration, and reporting services relating to our Funds.  Both RE’s have appointed EGG as the investment manager to manage the assets of the relevant Fund noted in the table above.

Our financial services and financial products

Under our Australian financial services licence (AFSL) we are authorised to provide the following financial services with respect to the following financial products:

Giving general advice about:

  • Interests in managed investment schemes (excluding investor directed portfolio services)
  • Securities

with respect to retail and wholesale clients; and

Giving financial product advice about:

  • Basic deposit products
  • Debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government
  • Interests in managed investment schemes (excluding investor directed portfolio services)
  • Securities

with respect to wholesale clients; and

Dealing in a financial product by:

  • arranging for another person to issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of a financial product to wholesale clients in respect of the following classes of financial products:
  • Interests in managed investment schemes (excluding investor directed portfolio services)
  • applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person in respect of the following classes of products:
  • Basic deposit products
  • Debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government
  • Interests in managed investment schemes (excluding investor directed portfolio services)
  • Securities

with respect to wholesale clients.

Remuneration or other benefits we may receive

If you acquire one of our products, we will receive fees and other benefits. These are generally set out in the PDS for the product. Where permitted by law, this remuneration may include:

  • management fees charged as a percentage of net asset value of the relevant Fund as disclosed in the PDS; and
  • performance fees also charged as percentage of net asset value of the relevant Fund as disclosed in the PDS.

Transaction fees may also apply to an investment in our Funds. We may also be entitled to recover expenses incurred on behalf of the Funds. Details of the remuneration and expense recoveries we will receive are set out in the PDS for the Fund.

We generally pay for the RE’s services including responsible entity, compliance, administration, custodian oversight and reporting services out of our own monies. Each RE may also be entitled to recover expenses incurred on behalf of the relevant Fund out of the Fund’s assets.  Details of the remuneration and expense recoveries each RE will receive are set out in the PDS for the Fund.

We do not receive any fees, nor do we charge you additional fees, for providing general financial product advice.  Our staff are paid a salary and may be entitled to receive bonuses and non-monetary benefits. Bonus payments and other benefits are discretionary, and based on achievement of predetermined objectives.  These bonus payments are not an additional cost to you.

Financial advisers and intermediaries may also receive fees from you (which may be deducted from your investment) and typically, this will be disclosed in their FSG and SOA that they must give you. Neither we nor the RE will pay any commission to financial advisers.

Various members of EGG, the RE and their directors and employees provide certain financial, information technology, human resource and other services to us to enable us to provide the services described in this FSG. You will not be charged for their remuneration. We pay for the costs of providing these services from the fees we receive.

Neither we nor the RE receive any remuneration for referring another person to the RE, us or the Funds.

Compensation arrangements

We have professional indemnity insurance cover in place in respect of financial services provided to our clients. This insurance covers claims in relation to the conduct of our past and present representatives. These arrangements comply with the requirements of section 912B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Disclosure of relevant conflicts of interest

Neither we, Perpetual nor Equity Trustees have any relationships or associations which might influence us or them in providing you with any of our financial products and services.

Members of our board of directors, management team and staff may hold investments in our Funds (on the same terms as all other investors).

Where potential conflicts may arise, we have policies, procedures and organisational arrangements in place to manage conflicts of interest.


Your privacy is important to us.   When we provide financial services to you we may collect your personal information.  Your personal information will be managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect, use, disclose and store personal information collected.  A copy of our policy can be obtained by contacting us directly or by visiting our website.

A statement explaining your privacy rights and the relevant RE’s rights and obligations (as responsible entity and product issuer) in relation to your personal information is contained in the PDS for the Fund.

Complaints handling

We have established procedures for dealing with complaints which cover the financial services that we provide to retail clients. In the first instance, you can make a complaint by calling +61 2 8311 5175 or by writing to:

Complaints and Dispute Resolution Officer

Eley Griffiths Group
Level 24, 1 Farrer Place

Sydney NSW 2000


We will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt. We will investigate complaints with the aim to provide a response (if not a resolution to the complaint) within 30 days of receipt.

If you are ultimately dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint or how the complaint has been handled or if we have not responded within 30 days, you may refer the matter, free of charge, to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), which is an external dispute resolution scheme.

The contact details for AFCA are:

Phone: 1800 931 678

Fax: (03) 9613 6399
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority

GPO Box 3

Melbourne VIC 3001


Record keeping

We will seek to ensure that comprehensive and accurate records of all transactions and investments undertaken, and documentation executed, are properly maintained.

Contacting us

Eley Griffiths Group
Level 24, 1 Farrer Place

Sydney NSW 2000


Phone: +61 2 8311 5175

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The monthly report provides an overview of the performance of each of the EGG Funds as well as both fund and macro insights.

© 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | ABN - 66 102 271 812 | AFSL 224 818