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The monthly report provides an overview of the performance of each of the EGG Funds as well as both fund and macro insights.
We are a specialist investment management company focusing on Australian listed Mid, Small and Emerging Companies
Founded in 2003, Eley Griffiths Group Pty Ltd (“EGG”) is an Australian specialist investment management company. EGG is 100% owned by its staff and the investment team is heavily aligned with client outcomes. EGG is the investment manager of unit trusts and discrete portfolios for large institutional investors.
EGG believes that markets do not always price emerging, small and mid cap companies efficiently and that these inefficiencies can be exploited using market experience and a disciplined stock selection methodology. The investment case for a stock can only be established through rigorous qualitative and quantitative analysis on a company-by-company basis and subject to several risk filters. The application of a proven investment process combined with active risk management is key to adding value through the market cycle.
EGG is not constrained by traditional growth or value styles, believing an investment process and style needs to be flexible and adaptable to a dynamic global economy. Our portfolios are built from the “bottom up” and are based on forward-looking relative earnings growth subject to valuation and a qualitative overlay – an approach that ensures we are not anchored to any one style of investing. This approach aims to provide consistent outperformance through all market conditions, irrespective of the economic cycle and is generally known as style neutral or style agnostic investing.
Subscribe to receive the latest reports from Eley Griffiths Group.
The monthly report provides an overview of the performance of each of the EGG Funds as well as both fund and macro insights.